Paulette Phillips, MFA, sculpture York University
Professor, Film, Video and Installation Practices, OCAD University
Born in Nova Scotia; works in Toronto and London

Jane Affleck, Thierry Delva: "Drawings from the Heart: Reproductions & Paulette Phillips" CMagazine #128, Winter, 2016
David Balzer: “Paulette Phillips Interrogates the Art World: Studio Visit” Canadian Art Online. April 27, 2015
O Boudreau, F Choinière: Home Sweet Home: A propos de l’inquietude [catalogue] Montreal: Daziboa, 2014
Sook-Yin Lee: “Why Did You Lie” CBC Radio:DNTO. Jan 18, 2013
Sholem Krishtalka: "Paulette Phillips and Her Tactic of Aesthetic Interrogation" Toronto Standard. Feb 23, 2012
David Jager: "Truth of Dare" Now Magazine. February 23, 2012
Stella Melchiori: "Paulette Phillips & Kelly Mark at Diaz Contemporary" A Centric. March 2, 2012
Rosemary Heather: "Paulette Phillips" Wikipedia, 2011
Fran Schechter: "Uncanny Un-home-ly" Now Magazine. February 10, 2011
Andrea Carson: "The Directed Lie: A Visit with Artist Paulette Phillips" View on Canadian Art. December 21, 2011
Lesley Johnstone: Yesterday’s Tomorrows [catalogue] Montreal: Musée d’art contemporain, 2010
RM Vaughn: "Why Modernism Failed to Connect" The Globe & Mail. August 21, 2010
Herbert Wright: "Paulette Phillips + Eileen Gray" Framingark. April 16, 2010
David Lillington: "The Uncanny as Real" CMagazine. C106. Summer, 2010
Carla Garnet: Drowning Ophelia [catalogue] Stratford: Gallery Stratford, 2010
Karen Rosenberg: "A Member of the Wedding" The New York Times. August 22, 2008
Dan Adler: "Paulette Phillips at Diaz Contemporary" Artforum. Summer, 2008
Andrea Carson: "Moved by Mirrors, Magnets and Motion" The Globe & Mail. April 9, 2008
Peter Goddard: "Home Is Where the Irony Is" The Toronto Star. April 10, 2008
Esther E Shipman: Site Visits [catalogue] Cambridge: Cambridge Galleries, 2008
Mathew Hyland: Mnemonic Devices [catalogue] Oakville: Oakville Galleries, 2008
Michael Hoolboom: Practical Dreamers, Conversations with Movie Artists [anthology] Coach House Books, 2007
Marie Fraser, editor: Explorations Narratives [anthology] Montreal: Le Mois de la Photo a Montréal, 2007
Richard Rhodes, editor: "Spotlight: Toronto Now" Canadian Art. Winter, 2007
Gérard Wajcman: Lisa Klapstock/Paulette Phillips [catalogue] Paris: Centre Culturel Canadien, 2007
Dan Adler: "Paulette Phillips at Diaz Contemporary" Art in America. May, 2007
Dan Adler: " We Can Do This Now" Artforum. March, 2007
Sarah Milroy: "A Meeting of Art, Power and the City" The Globe & Mail. January 10, 2007
Danielle Arnaud: Repatriating the Ark [catalogue] London: Parabola for the Museum of Garden History, 2006
Louise Provencher: Resonance Electromagnetic Bodies [catalogue] Budapest: Ludwig Museum, 2006
David Lillington: "Ghosts, Magic, Enchantment" Metropolis M. April-May, 2006
Johanna Householder: "Paulette Phillips Fascinations" Sketch:OCAD. Spring, 2006
F Bernardelli, L Fusi P Montani: Guardami, percezione del video [catalogue] Siena: Palazzo delle Papesse, 2005
Rosalind Furness: "Staged" Modern Painters. September, 2005
Nicolas Mavrikakis: "Étre Branché" Voir Montreal. May 5, 2005
Chrisitne Redfern: "Human Energy Fields Explored" Montreal Mirror. April 21, 2005
Lyne Crevier: "Fluide Glacial" Ici/Here. April 28, 2005
Catherine Elwes: "Paulette Phillips at Danielle Arnaud" Vertigo. Vol 2, No 9. Autumn, 2005
T Mars, J Householder, editors: Caught in the Act: An Anthology of Performance Art [anthology] Toronto: YYZ Books, 2004
Jenifer Papararo: "Paulette Philiips: Find the Performer" Caught in the Act. Toronto: YYZ Books, 2004
Janna Graham, Maria Walsh: Paulette Phillips The Secret Life of Criminals [catalogue] London: Danielle Arnaud, 2004
Gordon Hatt: Paulette Phillips, The Secret Life of Criminals [catalogue] Oakville: Oakville Galleries, 2004
Kathleen P Adams: Paulette Phillips, Clues and Curiosities [catalogue] Cambridge: Cambridge Galleries, 2004
Scott McLeod: "Exhibit A: Photography from Atlantic Canada" Prefix Photo Magazine. Issue 10. November, 2004
Scott McLeod: Exhibit A: Photography from Atlantic Canada [catalogue] Halifax: SMU Art Gallery, 2004
Elissa Barnard: "Of Land and Sea" The Chronicle Herald. November, 2004
Roy Exley: "Paulettle Phillips" FlashArt. No 237. July-September, 2004
Tania Buckrell Pos: "Paulette Phillips" Canadian Art. Vol 21, No 3. Fall, 2004
Tiffany Jenkins, Jon Newman: Exhumed [catalogue] London: Parabola for the Museum of Garden History, 2003
Sarah Nind: "Paulette Phillips Ecstasy at Paul Petro Contemporary Art" Lola. No 10. Fall, 2001
John Bentley Mays: "???" The National Post. May 5, 2001
Catherine Osborne: "Its About How People Judge Appearance" Lola. No 8. Winter, 2000-01
N Henricks, S Reinke, editors: By the Skin of Their Tongues: Artist video scripts [anthology] Toronto: YYZ Books, 1997
Anna Groneau, Kate Lushington: "How Did You Learn To Be So Smart" C Magazine. Spring, 1996
Vit Wagner: "Intelligent Drama's Cast Stands Out Amid Mixed Media" The Toronto Star. October 22, 1995
Vit Wagner: "Mixed Media Deliver a Message" The Toronto Star. October 19, 1995
Kate Taylor: "???" The Globe & Mail. October 31, 1995
Georgiana Uhlyarik: "Controlling Interest" Eye Magazine. October 26, 1995
Laura McGough: "Images 93" Fuse Magazine. Summer, 1993
Barbara Fischer: Decalog YYZ: 1979-1989 [anthology] Toronto: YYZ Books, 1992
HJ Kirchhoff: "Under the Influence is Short and Spicy" The Globe & Mail. March 30, 1992
Nell Tenhaaf: "Paulette Phillips" Parachute. No 63. July, 1991
Shonagh Adelman, Bryan Gee: “Despair” Fuse Magazine. No 48, 1988
Andrew Patterson: "Paulette Phillips, Geoffrey Shea at YYZ" Vanguard Magazine. January, 1988
William Wood: "By the Lake: The Lunatic of One Idea" Public No 2. Fall, 1988
Dot Tuer: “Gestures in the Looking Glass” C Magazine. July, 1987
John Bentley Mays: "Time-Based Art Receives a Shot in the Arm" The Globe & Mail. October 22, 1987
John Bentley Mays: "On Show" The Globe & Mail. October 10, 1987
Geoffrey Shea: “The New Work Show” Cinema Canada. November, 1986
Goldie Rans: “The Paradigmatic Phrase” Vanguard Magazine. October, 1985
Jennifer Oille: “Public Address” C Magazine. November, 1984
Jennifer Oille: “The New Work Show” C Magazine. November, 1984
Elke Town: "Find the Performer" C Magazine. November, 1983